David John

David JohnDavid John
  1. David and john , who work in the same company , have a chat during the lunch break .


  2. Among all the English versions of Hong Lou Meng , there are only two complete versions ( A Dream of Red Mansions by Yang Xian-yi Gladys Yang , and The Story of the Stone by David Hawkes John Minford ), which both have achieved great success .


  3. Ken , David , and John ran in the first race .


  4. David Marshall : John Lennon is rolling over in his grave to hide his giant boner !


  5. At this path David Gauthier and John Rawls are two most important philosophers who inherited the tradition of Hobbes and Kant respectively .


  6. David beckham , John Terry and Ashley Cole all sat out training before England flew to their German world cup base in baden-baden .


  7. This will not be enough for city leaders who are concerned that candidates for the mayoralty four or five years hence are not of the calibre of David brewer and John Stuttard .


  8. David , Kevin and John will go to Tom 's birthday party at Saturday .


  9. But Sara Canning says that will soon change when David Anders returns as John Gilbert and causes problems for her character .


  10. The big unknown , says David Wilkinson of Liverpool John Moores , is how long ago and how gradually hominids lost their body hair .


  11. Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film , which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John .
